
префікс, що позначає заперечення або відсутність; нерідко перекладається префіком

non-affiliation with military blocs — неприєднання до військових блоків

non-alignment with military blocs — неприєднання до військових блоків

non-compliance with a court ruling — невиконання судового рішення

non-conformity to professional standards — професійна непридатність

non-disclosure of a spent conviction — неповідомлення про погашену судимість

non-divulgence of investigation materials — нерозголошення матеріалів слідства

non-enforceability of contracts — правова незахищеність угод

non-fulfillment of the decision — = non-fulfilment of the decision

non-interference in the domestic affairs of other countries — невтручання у внутрішні справи інших країн

non-interference in the internal affairs of a state — невтручання у внутрішні справи країни

non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries — невтручання у внутрішні справи інших країн

non-interference of the state into economy — невтручання держави в економіку

non-ministration of succor to a person in a situation dangerous to her life — = non-ministration of succour to a person in a situation dangerous to her life, non-ministration of succour to a person in a situation dangerous to his life, non-ministration of succor to a person in a situation dangerous to his life неподання допомоги особі, яка перебуває в небезпечному для життя становищі

non-ministration of succour to a person in a situation dangerous to her life — = non-ministration of succor to a person in a situation dangerous to her life

non-ministration of succour to a person in a situation dangerous to his life — = non-ministration of succor to a person in a situation dangerous to her life

non-ministration of succor to a person in a situation dangerous to his life — = non-ministration of succor to a person in a situation dangerous to her life

non-ministration to a sick person on the part of a medical worker — неподання допомоги хворому особою медичного персоналу

non-observance of the conditions of a contract — = non-observance of the terms of a contract порушення умов контракту (угоди)

non-observance of the terms of a contract — = non-observance of the conditions of a contract

non-observance of traffic rules — = non-observance of traffic laws

non-parliamentary form of struggle — непарламентська форма боротьби

non-recognition of a government — невизнання уряду

non-support of disabled parents — ухилення від сплати коштів на утримання непрацездатний батьків

non-use of force in international relations — незастосування сили в міжнародних відносинах

- non-acceptance
- non-access
- non-act
- non-actionable
- non-adjudicative
- non-adjudicative fact
- non-admission
- non-admittance
- non-adult
- non-affiliation
- non-age
- non-aggression
- non-aggression pact
- non-aggressive
- non-alcoholic
- non-aligned
- non-aligned countries
- non-aligned movement
- non-aligned state
- non-aligned status
- non-alignment
- non-alignment movement
- non-amicable
- non-appealable
- non-appearance
- non-arraignment
- non-attendance
- non-authoritarian
- non-belligerence
- non-belligerency
- non-belligerent
- non-binding
- non-cabinet agency
- non-cabinet minister
- non-cadreman
- non-capital murder
- non-career appointment
- non-career criminal
- non-career post
- non-citizen
- non-claim
- non-classified
- non-classified document
- non-coercive
- non-combatant
- non-commercial
- non-commercial organization
- non-commissioned officer
- non-committal
- non-committal reply
- non-committalism
- non-Communist
- non-Communist bloc of states
- non-comp.
- non-compelable witness
- non-compellable witness
- non-competition clause
- non-compliance
- non-compliant
- non-compos
- non-compos mentis
- non-concur
- non-confidence
- non-confidence vote
- non-conforming
- non-conforming prisoner
- non-conformity
- non-constitutional
- non-constitutional authority
- non-content
- non-contentious proceedings
- non-contractual
- non-contractual case
- non-contractual liability
- non-contributory pension
- non-controversial
- non-controversial bill
- non-cooperation
- non-cooperationist
- non-corporate
- non-corporate body
- non-crime
- non-criminal
- non-criminal life
- non-criminal
- non-criminal prisoner
- non-criminal proceeding
- non-criminal proceedings
- non-cumulative
- non-custodial
- non-custodial penalty
- non-sanction
- non-custodial sentencing
- non-definitive
- non-definitive judgement
- non-definitive judgment
- non-delegable
- non-deliberate
- non-delivery
- non-democrat
- non-democratic
- non-departmental minister
- non-deputy
- non-detected delinquency
- non-deviation
- non-disclosure
- non-disclosure agreement
- non-discovery of the criminal
- non-discovery of the culprit
- non-discovery of the offender
- non-discretionary
- non-discriminating
- non-discriminating law
- non-discrimination
- non-discriminatory
- non-discriminatory law
- non-discriminatory law
- non-divulgence
- non-effective
- non-effective deterrent
- non-elected
- non-eligibility
- non-eligibility for office
- non-eligible for office
- non-enacted
- non-enacted law
- non-enforceability
- non-entry
- non-essential ignorance
- non-EU country
- non-evidence fact
- non-exclusive licence
- non-exclusive license
- non-exclusive
- non-exclusive use
- non-execution
- non-exempt
- non-existent
- non-expert opinion
- non-extradition
- non-feasance
- non-fulfilment
- non-fulfillment
- non-fulfilment of the decision
- non-gang offender
- non-governmental
- non-governmental body
- non-governmental organization
- non-governmental property
- non-governmental regulation
- non-immigrant
- non-immigrant visa
- non-immigrant
- non-independent
- non-independent country
- non-information
- non-infringing article
- non-infringing article
- non-institutional treatment
- non-intentional
- non-intentional fault
- non-intercourse
- non-interference
- non-intervention
- non-issuable
- non-issuable plea
- non-joinder
- non-judgemental
- non-judgmental
- non-judicial
- non-judicial agency
- non-judicial day
- non-judicial punishment
- non-juring
- non-jury
- non-jury case
- non-jury court
- non-legal
- non-legal employee
- non-lethal
- non-legislative
- non-legislative organization
- non-lethal weapon
- non-lethal weapons
- non-mailable
- non-mandatory
- non-marital
- non-marital sexual relations
- non-medical
- non-medical use of drugs
- non-member
- non-member state
- non-metropolitan county
- non-military
- non-military means
- non-military service
- non-ministration
- non-ministration of succor
- non-ministration of succour
- non-molestation order
- non-moral
- non-national
- non-negligent manslaughter
- non-negotiable
- non-nuclear
- non-nuclear state
- non-nuclear-weapon state
- non-observance
- non-observance of traffic laws
- non-obvious
- non-obvious subject-matter
- non-offender
- non-official
- non-official majority
- non-parliamentary
- non-participation
- non-partisan
- non-partisan ballot
- non-partisan government
- non-party
- non-party minister
- non-patent
- non-patentability
- non-patentable
- non-payment
- non-payment of taxes
- non-pecuniary
- non-performance
- non-permanent
- non-permanent member
- non-police
- non-police enforcement
- non-police enforcement agency
- non-police enforcement body
- non-presidential appointment
- non-prison
- non-prison gang
- non-professional
- non-professional consul
- non-profit
- non-profit agency
- non-profit corporation
- non-profit organization
- non-proliferation
- non-proliferation treaty
- non-property
- non-property right
- non-pros.
- non-prosequitur
- non-prospectus company
- non-punishable
- non-punitive
- non-recognition
- non-recurrent
- non-recurrent levy
- non-recurrent transaction
- non-recurring
- non-recurring duty
- non-registrability
- non-relative
- non-relative adoption
- non-representative
- non-residence
- non-resident
- non-resident alien
- non-resident citizen
- non-resident patient
- non-residential care
- non-residential premises
- non-retroactivity
- non-retroactivity of law
- non-secular
- non-secular law
- non-secure
- non-secure setting
- non-secure shelter
- non-self-executing treaty
- non-self-governing
- non-self-governing territory
- non-signatory
- non-state
- non-statutory
- non-statutory authority
- non-statutory subject-matter
- non-substantive
- non-suit
- non-support
- non-tariff
- non-tariff barriers
- non-tariff regulation
- non-tax source
- non-taxable
- non-taxed
- non-term
- non-terminal
- non-testifying co-defendant
- non-transferable
- non-treaty based
- non-treaty based mechanism
- non-unanimous
- non-unanimous jury
- non-unanimous jury system
- non-union country
- non-union employer
- non-use
- non-use of force
- non-use of punishment
- non-user
- non-violent
- non-violent protest
- non-voter
- non-voting
- non-voting member
- non- wage benefits
- non-working
- non-working day
- non-working elements
- non-working time

English-Ukrainian law dictionary.

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  • non — [ nɔ̃ ] adv. de négation • XIe; lat. non « ne » en position accentuée I ♦ Adv. 1 ♦ (Réponse négative, refus) « Je dois bien t ennuyer, Spark ? Non : pourquoi cela ? » (Musset). Non, rien à faire, n insistez pas. Non, non et non ! Mais non ! Non… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • non — nón avv. FO 1a. conferisce valore negativo o esclude il concetto espresso dal verbo cui è premesso: non è ancora arrivato, non posso farlo, non voglio saperlo, non te lo dico, non ci vado, non lo sapranno mai, non nevica più | in una proposizione …   Dizionario italiano

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  • non — Non, Non. C est fait de moy. S. non, non aye bon courage, Perij. S. Quintu animo bono es. Non autrement, Non secus. Non pas tout, Nec tu omnia. Non plus, Nihilo magis. Non plus songeoy je que, etc. Non magis somniabam, quam, etc. Non plus… …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • non — NON. Particule negative, qui est directement opposée à la particule affirmative Oüy. Il est de tous bons accords. il ne dit jamais non. cette affaire est aisée à conclurre, il n y a qu à dire oüy ou non. je gage que non. il ne répond ni oüy ni… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

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